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We are a community to connect teachers and students of English who value open and integrated learning with quality content. Our team is formed by independent educators who work worldwide via technology platforms, from different nationalities, native as well as non-native speakers of English. Professionals from different backgrounds support other members of the community who are willing to improve their professional qualifications.

The following Terms of Use rule the uses of the website, determining responsibilities, duties and obligations that every user assumes when accessing it. These terms refer to the relationship between you (any natural or legal person who accesses the website), as a user, and the website.

Users are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided during registration. The user is also responsible for the security and confidentiality of the registration password. In case of unauthorized access or security breach, users should contact the website though its official channels.

Users are fully responsible for the content produced (in their personal profiles, individual notes and messages exchanged with other users) in the civil and criminal sphere towards any other user who feels harmed or offended. Users may not use the website to advertise products and services or activities which are not connected to education and which violate the principles and values of the community. Any misuse must be communicated by a report on the profile of the user.

Users are also prohibited from attempting to get unauthorized access to the website, as well as making or launching any programs or scripts for the purpose of scraping, indexing, searching or any other way to obtain data, unduly overload or impair its operations and functionalities.

The contents created and made available under the Creative Commons BY-NC License, according to which sharing is allowed, as long as the source is mentioned.