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The following terms are intended to clarify the general guidelines of the privacy policy and the use of the data provided to our website. These are general terms and will be permanently updated, in no case should they violate any legal framework or laws in force in Brazil. When accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy, you are aware that the website will have access to the data that you provide.

What data are we processing?

The non-registered user of the platform will be able to access a free but limited content of the website. In this case, all data collected will be anonymous and related to the pages accessed on the platform only. Registered users provide personal data, which will be only available to their contacts on the platform. The same applies to exercise data, which will be only accessible to users’ connected teachers. Still, teacher users’ profiles are public and can be accessed by any other user, registered or not on the platform. In the case of all registered users, data can be processed to improve our services and content, releasing reports and newsletters. Our Cookies intend only to keep track of the history of the answered exercises. Partner platforms like Youtube, Facebook and Google can have their own cookies though. Google may associate information from accounts of its signed-in users with the visitation information it collects from our website. This association is consented for the purpose of ads personalization and is used to provide aggregated and anonymized insights into users' cross device behaviors. In case you don't agree with this use, such data may be accessed and/or deleted here:

How are we processing it?

All means necessary will be used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of users' data. The information will be incorporated into the databases and will be stored in our partner servers and restricted to authorized administrators access only. User’s data will not be sold or transferred to a third party and will not be accessible, except to partner or hired companies for the purpose of maintaining the website.

What is the purposes for which we are processing it?

The website is committed to using this data only for the purposes mentioned below:

The non-registered user of the platform, all data collected will be anonymous and related to the pages accessed on the platform only. Its processing will be restricted to the purposes of website analytics and its development. Registered users data can also be used for the purposes of website analytics and its development. When a user is interested in requesting a teacher, data will be used to select an appropriate professional to be recommended. Users are also aware that texts, profile information, messages, questions, etc. may be monitored by authorized administrators for proper functioning and compliance with the Terms of Use of the Community.

How users may request deletion of their data?

At any time, accessing the wesbite at using the field "Other Type of Support" and the option "Request Deletion of Data Linked to My Account". Or, it is also possible to contact us through the email and request deletion of your data.
